Download the App for The Heady Gallery and open the window to a hip, trendy vape shop and a variety of specials, exclusive offers, discounts and a full catalog of vaporizers, supplies and accessories – all with a tap on the App from your smart phone. Scroll through and check out the beautifully crafted glass vapes with custom artwork. See the wide variety of vapes and e-cigs ranging from pens to pipes, an increasing selection of e-flavors and all the accessories and supplies needed to make vaping a pleasure. A vaper’s paradise awaits you at The Heady Gallery with App-only savings and offers.
The Heady Gallery App provides:
• Our product list
• Exclusive specials and offers
• Updates and notifications
• Digital punch card rewards
• Our media gallery
The App is FREE and you will receive an exclusive offer after it is downloaded.
The Heady Gallery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a vape shop and lounge featuring American-made products, a wide selection of vaporizers, e-cigs, accessories, supplies, flavor e-juices and even some apparel. Custom artwork adorns the beautiful glass smokers, the staff knows their stuff and greetings from Brownie, the canine vape princess, are free! But for great vape deals and up-to-date info, you will App-reciate that little money-saving icon at your fingertips from The Heady Gallery.